Friday, June 29, 2012

Molasses Swamp

Carl travelled past the gumdrops and lollypops part of Candyland, and hit Molasses Swamp today.  The temperature rose above the key 100.4 (to 100.5), and so the nurses enacted the standard operating procedure (2 days after expected), and put him on some pretty aggressive antibiotics.  We sent fluid samples to the labs to make sure there are no mud bugs hanging out inside of him, and took a chest ex-ray and confirmed he has no traces of pneumonia.  Still waiting on the Mandeville lab to work it's sclerotic process to make sure there is nothing unwanted in the blood.

The antibiotics knocked him out and left him fairly nauseous.  If we can get a massive hangover from a bottle of tequila, Steven comforted him that after 7 days of biohazard chemicals going into him, this hangover was really relatively mild.  Hopefully tomorrow he will wake up with a hankering for cold pizza.  Typical to a hangover, he slept the afternoon away, but still had a smile on his face as the sun set.  His spirits are better than we could have expected, and hopefully the nurses were right and today was the "low."  Carl closed the quarter today at 100.3.

The poet (Jon) will be back tomorrow, so hopefully the viewership bounces (we are humbled that the blog has been viewed 2,000 times).

On a somewhat humorous note, we discovered the loudly moaning lady down the hall with a tracheotomy, was actually not in pain all day but craving a "seafood platter" (this began around 10am).  You can take 'em off the bayou, but you can't take the bayou out of 'em!


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